International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal (ISSN: 2832-5788) | Volume 3, Issue 3 | Case Report | Open Access DOI

Acute Pulmonary Embolismfollowing Polytrauma

Vitharana HS*

Vitharana HS1*, Somaweera S2

1Clinical Fellow, Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, Former- Senior Registrar in Critical Care, National Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka

2Consultant Anaesthetist, National Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka

*Correspondence to: Vitharana HS 

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Pulmonary embolism (PE) is the third most common cardiovascular disease in the world. Trauma is a well-known predisposing factor for PE. Various types of diagnostic methods, scoring systems and specific investigations have been introduced to diagnose PE. With the developed treatment modalities, the life expectancy of patients with PE has been improved. Following case discus, a patient presented with poly trauma who developed pulmonary embolism during ICU stay. Proper identification of the incident and meticulous management lead to a successful recovery.


Pulmonary embolism; Cardiovascular disease; Stab injury


Vitharana HS, Somaweera S. Acute Pulmonary Embolismfollowing Polytrauma. Int Clinc Med Case Rep Jour. 2024;3(3):1-4.