Annals of Case Reports and Clinical Studies (ISSN: 2834-5673) | Volume 4, Issue 1 | Case Report | Open Access DOI

Superior Patellar Sleeve Avulsion Fracture-Rare form of Osteochondral Injury in the Pediatric Population: A Case Report

Maryam Soltanolkotabi*

Soltanolkotabi M1*, Allen H1, Safazadeh G1, Maak TG2, Rogers MJ2, Chan BY1

1Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah Health, USA

2Department of Orthopaedics, University of Utah Health, USA

*Correspondence to: Maryam Soltanolkotabi 

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Chondral or osteochondral avulsion injuries of the inferior pole of the patella in skeletally immature patients are common; however, superior pole injuries are very rare. Recognition of these injuries is important as the displaced bone-forming fragment will continue to enlarge and ossify, and may in some cases duplicate the patella. Moreover, these injuries often involve the extensor mechanism which is integral to the function of the lower extremity. We present a case of superior patellar sleeve avulsion fracture in an 8-year-old boy and review the radiographic and magnetic resonance imaging features and management of this injury.


Superior pole; Patella; Periosteum; Periosteal sleeve, Osteochondral, MRI


Soltanolkotabi M, Allen H, Safazadeh G, Maak TG, Rogers MJ, Chan BY. Superior Patellar Sleeve Avulsion Fracture-Rare form of Osteochondral Injury in the Pediatric Population: A Case Report. Ann Case Rep Clin Stud. 2025;4(1):1-7.