Annals of Case Reports and Clinical Studies (ISSN: 2834-5673) | Volume 2, Issue 2 | Case Report | Open Access

Treatment of Poison in Ancient India

Mahavir Bansilal Ghiya*

Government Homoeopathic College, Dethali, Siddhpur, Gujarat, India

*Correspondence to: Mahavir Bansilal Ghiya 

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Human evolution from initial time to modern time, as per time different types of poison creates by nature and human being. For surviving the human, they were using different types of treatment. Different poison and their treatment are varied from time to time as per need and surviving the human. Ayurvedic medicines were commonly prescribed in ancient time. So that time number of ayurvedic treatments were commonly used for poison condition.


Ayurvedic Medicine; Human evolution; Ancient time; Mantra, Poison


Mahavir Bansilal Ghiya, Pratiksha Rangani Chothani. Treatment of Poison in Ancient India. Ann Case Rep Clin Stud. 2023;2(2):1-5.