International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal (ISSN: 2832-5788) | Volume 3, Issue 10 | Case Report | Open Access DOI

Bilioptysis Secondary to Broncho-Biliary Fistula- A Rare Complication of Liver Abscess in a Pediatric Patient: A Comprehensive Case Report

K. Rajeshwari*

K. Rajeshwari1, Jatan Jagruk2, Somil Jain3, Deepak Kumar4, Sapna Singh5, Sujoy Neogi6, S. Anuradha7

1Director Professor Pediatrics Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India

2Senior Resident, Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India

3Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India

4Department of Pediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India

5Department of Radiodiagnosis, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India

6Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India

7Director Professor Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, India

*Correspondence to: K. Rajeshwari 

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Broncho-biliary fistula (BBF), causing bilioptysis and persistent pneumonia is a rare complication of liver abscess in pediatric population. Only one case has been reported in pediatric literature. We report a case of a 4-year-old child, treated outside for liver abscess then presented to us with persistent bilious expectoration and respiratory distress. Computed tomography revealed a focal rent in the diaphragm with communication with segmental bronchi of right lower lobe. The child underwent thoracoscopic dissection of right lower lobe and repair of the rent. The child was asymptomatic and clinically well on follow-up after 1 month.



K. Rajeshwari, Jatan Jagruk, Somil Jain, Deepak Kumar, Sapna Singh, Sujoy Neogi, et al. Bilioptysis Secondary to Broncho-Biliary Fistula- A Rare Complication of Liver Abscess in a Pediatric Patient: A Comprehensive Case Report. Int Clinc Med Case Rep Jour. 2024;3(10):1-8.