Annals of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (ISSN 2835-7132) | Volume 2, Issue 4 | Research Article | Open Access DOI

Dynamical Neurofeedback® Neuroptimal®: A New Approach to Improve the Perception of Tinnitus Through Cerebral Self-Regulation

Aldo Messina*

Aldo Messina1*, Giorgio Raponi2, Michela Maria Di Nardo3, Alessandro Corvaia4, Francesco Ciodaro5

1Department of Biomedical, Dental, University of Messina, Italy

2Specialist ORL, AIOLP Associated, Milano, Italy

3Statistician, expert in Data Analysis, Milano, Italy

4Regina Margherita Otoneurological Center, Palermo, Italy

5Department of Biomedical, Dental, University of Messina, Italy

*Correspondence to: Aldo Messina 

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We provide results of our multi-center research Palermo-Milan which aims to evaluate the effectiveness of NeurOptimal®, a new therapeutic tool useful for patients suffering from tin-nitus. We hypothesize the use of NeurOptimal® can improve perception of tinnitus and psycho-physical symptoms related to it. NeurOptimal® is a form of training that allows the brain to self-regulate its activity by optimizing it. To evaluate its effectiveness, we are subjecting voluntary patients, diagnosed with tinnitus, to a series of Non-Linear NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback Sessions, collecting data from audiometric measurements and self-assessment questionnaires con-cerning the handicap caused by tinnitus, and the level of pathological worry, depression, anxiety and stress. The results that we illustrate, although they need to be verified on a larger sample, are promising and seem to confirm the peculiar characteristic of this unique technique, which is based on the cardinal principles of cerebral activity, self-regulation, neuroplasticity, and learning.


Tinnitus; THI; DASS-21; Penn State Worry Questionnaire; Self-regulation; Neuromod-ulation; Brain; Electrical activity; Psychophysical symptoms; Non-Linear Dynamical Neurofeed-back; Self-assessment questionnaires


Aldo Messina, Giorgio Raponi, Michela Maria Di Nardo, Alessandro Corvaia, Francesco Ciodaro. Dynamical Neurofeedback® Neuroptimal®: A New Approach to Improve the Perception of Tinnitus Through Cerebral Self-Regulation. Annal of Otol Head and Neck Surg. 2023;2(4):1-17.